Fishing season Tenerife - Canary islands

Fishing season Tenerife - Canary islands

Fishing season Tenerife - La Gomera - Canary islands


Details by species

  • Blue marlin: season (may to october) high season (july to august)haute saison (juin à septembre)

  • White marlin: season (may to october) (july to august) haute saison (juin à août)

  • Spearfish :season (may to september) (july to august)haute saison (juin à août)

  • Swordfish :season (march to mai and september to november)  

  • Bluefin tuna :season (march to mai and september to october) high season (march and april) 

  • Yellowfin tuna :season (all year long) high season (june to october)

  • Bigeyes tuna :season (all year long) high season (all year long)

  • Albacore :season (all year long) high season (may to october)

  • Skipjack :season (all year long) high season (may to october)

  • Wahoo :season (february to november) high season (february to march and july to september)

  • Mahi mahi : season (mai to september) hight season (july and august) 

    saison peche au gros Ténérife - îles Canaries