Bluefin tuna fishing Algarve - Thunnus thynnus
Paradise for bluefin tuna fishing, the Algarve in Portugal is a destination to discover. Each year the migration of bluefin tuna runs in front of the coasts of Olhao our marina.
The Portuguese have understood for years that large traps capture bluefin tuna along the coasts of Fuseta, Tavira and Faro.
The best time for fishing giant bluefin tuna in Portugal is from the beginning of July to the end of July, when the bluefin tuna leave the Mediterranean Sea returning from spawning grounds to return to the North Atlantic.
In Portugal, giant bluefin tuna are fished mainly by trolling method !
Bluefin tuna fishing is very popular in the big game fishing sport community. Overpowered fighter, he will push you within your physical limits because the fights can take several hours.
You will fish in stand-up or on the fighting chair.
It takes 45 minutes from our marina to reach the Farol pass. During the migration the tunas pass very close to the coasts between 3 and 6 miles offshore. Departures are made every day at completely different times of the day, depending on the activity of the fish. A minimum of 8 hours of fishing is carried out on each trip.
giant bluefin tuna double strike video

Xiphias Big Game Fishing in the press
Bluefin tuna fishing with the broumé (chumming method) is a magical fishing and patience.
The press with the Magazine "Voyages de Pêche" makes the one and the praise in its number 117 (June-July 2016) calling it BLUEFIN TUNA FISHING: Sensations assured!
Moreover, the article is made from Martigues and speaks of our sport fishing organization "Xiphias Big Game Fishing"
It targets all fish from the Big Game Fishing, but it will require a lot of concentration and preparation.
It is a fishing technique that allows a permanent visual and olfactory trace for the fish.
Mainly used in the Mediterranean to catch bluefin tuna, it will also attract sharks, swordfish, bonito, pelamids, rays and dolphinfish.
This fishing offers unique sensations that will scream your brakes and break your kidneys.
Several large bluefin tuna are fished each year between 200 kg up to 450 kg during the season !
But on average bluefin tuna weight is 250 kg.
It is a fishing open to all, even when we have as our youngest fisherman 14 years.
The feminine gente also starts sport fishing on the high seas, so why not you!